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Drawing on life history research, this study critically examines the transnational experiences of return Chinese immigrants from Canada in Beijing. Through the accounts of their experiences, it explores different integration and reintegration strategies, including self-adjustment, lifelong learning and flexible citizenship. A native concept of ‘space’ is examined and a theory of individual space (IS) is constructed. The study demonstrates that immigrants' integration is a process of constant construction and reconstruction of their expected IS in various societies. This space defines the self and its relationship to others and the outside world. By spatial transformation, migrants break spatial limitations to seek a better future. The tension between IS and the society the migrant enters determines the ongoing characteristics of contemporary transnational migration.  相似文献   
屠呦呦因发现青蒿素获得拉斯克医学奖,在中国引发了关于科学奖励中个人与集体关系的争论。本文在阐明青蒿素大协作背景及发现过程的基础上,分析并比较中国科学承认和奖励中"集体主义"价值取向与美国科学奖励中注重独创性和个人发现优先权的"个人主义"价值取向,最后本文讨论了如何处理科学奖励中个人与集体的关系问题,指出个人导向的奖励制度与个人产权为基础的国家产权结构,集体导向的奖励制度与公共产权结构密切联系,并认为两种奖励制度各有优劣,如何在制度设计中更好地处理科学奖励中集体与个体的关系仍然是一个值得研究的问题。  相似文献   
理性的开发商总是追求能使开发项目达到相应绿色建筑评价标识所需付出的最低成本,途径之一便是学习行业优秀项目的先进经验。基于此,运用DEA-个性优势识别法,确定同一星级绿色建筑中的"个体标杆"与"群体标杆",以期找到绿色建筑开发商可以学习的标杆项目,同时为客观评价绿色建筑提供依据。  相似文献   
"幼童便溺"的舆情事件从微观层面看,这是媒体在不良新闻价值观作祟下制造的一起舆情事件。从中观层面分析,能够看到舆情事件背后刻板成见的影响。而从宏观角度看,此类事件的舆情建构使得两地关系的拟态环境趋于紧张化,不利于团结发展的大局。推进媒体负责任的新闻建构,加强两地信息的充分沟通,有利于净化两地舆论环境,形成健康的社会拟态环境,促进两地团结共荣。  相似文献   
Sexual violence against children is a significant global public health problem, yet limited studies exist from low-resource settings. In Haiti we conducted the country's first, nationally representative survey focused on childhood violence to help inform the development of a national action plan for violence against children. The Haiti Violence Against Children Survey was a household-level, multistage, cluster survey among youth age 13–24. In this analysis we sought to determine whether sexual violence sentinel events (unwanted sexual touching or unwanted attempted sex) were predictive of later unwanted, completed, penetrative sex in Haiti. We also sought to explore characteristics of sentinel events and help-seeking behavior among Haitian children. Multivariable logistic regression was used to test associations between sentinel events and later unwanted, completed, penetrative sex. Overall, 1,457 females reported on experiences of sexual violence occurring in childhood (before age 18). A sentinel event occurred in 40.4% of females who experienced subsequent unwanted completed sex. Females experiencing a sentinel event were approximately two and a half times more likely to experience later unwanted completed sex (adjusted odds ratio = 2.40, p = .004) compared to individuals who did not experience a sentinel event. The mean lag time from first sentinel event to first unwanted completed sex was 2.3 years. Only half (54.6%) of children experiencing a sentinel event told someone about their experience of sexual violence. Among children, sentinel events occur frequently before later acts of completed unwanted sex and may represent a useful point of intervention. Reporting of sexual violence by children in Haiti is low and can be improved to better act on sentinel events.  相似文献   
分析了参数单侧假设检验教学的现状和存在的问题,提出和论证在该部分内容的教学中应注意讲好思想方法、确定好小概率事件和适当介绍参数单侧检验中原假设的确立原则。通过加强这三个方面的工作,以期缓解学生学习的畏难情绪,提高学生的学习兴趣,从而有效改善和提高参数单侧假设检验的教学效果。  相似文献   
对新近发生的涉体育赛事直播画面侵权案件进行梳理后发现,不同法院对事实基本相同的该类案件,作出了不同的判决结果。究其原因,一是不同法官对体育赛事直播画面在著作权法上的定性存有争议,二是体育赛事直播画面在著作权法下的保护遇到了法律适用困境。鉴于著作权法与其他法律的外部协调和“著作权-邻接权”二分体系下的内部协调,以及根据“同类案件相同处理”的法律推理原则,研究认为,在我国《著作权法》框架下,通过扩张解释和完善广播组织者权来保护体育赛事直播画面是更为合理的路径选择。  相似文献   
体育赛事转播权是一种新兴的复合型权利,是指电视台、视频网站、直播平台等转播机构就其制作的体育赛事节目和提供的转播信号享有的著作权或者录音录像制品权、广播组织权,同时也是指赛事组织者就体育赛事享有的"转播许可权"。对其不同层次的内容应当分别予以解读,而不宜笼统地在"体育赛事转播权"这一概念下进行讨论。对赛事组织者的权利保护,有赖于体育法对其权利予以法定化;对相应的著作权人和邻接权人的保护,需要在完善著作权法的基础上,坚持作品独创性判断标准,并提升邻接权的保护水平。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、系统分析法等,对我国青少年校园篮球运动发展的动力机制进行构建。研究表明:我国青少年校园篮球运动发展的动力机制的构成包括青少年校园篮球动力运作过程及原理、青少年校园篮球动力功能、青少年校园篮球动力结构3个部分;我国青少年校园篮球运动发展的动力因素包括青少年个体因素、家庭动力因素、校园动力因素、社会动力因素几个方面。  相似文献   
针对不同类型事件设计多状态跳转模型,结合两种深度神经网络实现对传统音频事件检测框架的改进。实验表明,在DCASE2017任务2的开发集数据上,改进后的DNN-HMM系统相比于基线系统取得F值8.9%的相对提升和错误率19%的绝对下降;基于多状态跳转模型聚类的卷积神经网络模型(SC-CNN),相比于基线系统取得F值18%的相对提升和错误率30%的绝对下降。  相似文献   
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